Thursday, July 10, 2008


i like to watch movies. i've seen probaley hundreds. but i like horror movies. George A. Romero is an awesome director. M. Night Shyamalan's movie the Happening looks very good, but im all about old horror movies. Dawn of the Dead, Night of the Living Dead, all created and directed by G.A.R. are awesome zombie movies. Zombie Movies are my favorite type of movies. granted i've seen other movies too, and i like alot of different types. like action packed movies, and mysteries. but romance type are not my cup of speacial tea, if you know what im saying.
Anyone know any good horror movies that i might like??

I was just sitting here and figured i should put a new post up. looking at the other one made me feel like im boring and ingnorant to the blogging world. but i will not give up. I will keep posting, even if i don't know what to post.
Im new to this and i just wanted to see what its all about